instinctology, instincts, human instincts, masculinity, family, demography

  Acest site este o invitatie de  initiere lejera in cunoasterea si cercetarea   instinctelor umane.  Ele  ne insotesc in fiecare moment si ne afecteaza profund viata.  Intelegand modul cum suntem afectati de aceste instincte putem sa armonizam mai bine comportamentele noastre  cu mediul fizic si mediul social in care traim.

Introducere in teoria instinctelor umane: DOWNLOAD  Fals tratat de instinctologie Vers 4.011-IUNIE 2017

Descrierea si analiza cibernetica simplificata a instinctelor umane:  DOWNLOAD ATLASUL INSTINCTELOR UMANE

  This site is an easy initiation invitation in the knowledge and research of human instincts. They accompany us every moment and deeply affect our lives. Understanding how we are affected by these instincts can better harmonize our behaviors with the physical environment and the social environment we live in.

DOWNLOAD  False treaty of human instinctology 4.011
